"Working Great!
I just wanted to say, this product seems to be working great, I don't know exactly what the previous owners of this house put on the floors but I tried a few other products I had available with no luck whatsoever, then I discovered Lamanator Plus, I choose the deep cleaning product and it seems to be working as advertised. (See Video Below)"
Jeff W. from North Hills, CA
"I can't say enough about this product!
I was VERY frustrated with my laminate floors and had tried everything. I have 2 dogs and 3 toddler grandboys in my home every day. I would clean the floor and as soon as it was dry and walked on there were smudges, feet print, paw prints and I was almost to the place of ripping it up as it was frustrating me so. I searched the web and found this product and read the reviews and how the product worked and I was extremely skeptical but I had tried everything else on the market so I decided to give it a shot. I won't lie, my husband and I worked hard one Friday night because we had to start from scratch, but it was well worth it. We have been cleaning with the floor cleaner every 2 weeks and using water in between these cleanings and I am in love with my laminate floor. I have recommended it to all of my friends. I can't say enough about this product! I will never stop using it -- thanks for such a good product.. I would be walking on plywood without it!"
Pamela from Scranton, SC
"This product is absolutely amazing!
I have never seen anything like it before. My Lamanated floors now look brand new again. After 12 years of traffic in that room. I would strongly recommend this product to my friends and family. Thank you again Lamanator Plus."
Marie D. from Newnan, GA
"Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart!
Laminate floors were placed on my kitchen and den floors four months ago. I soon discovered that every time my husband and I would enter into the house, we left foot prints, not to mention more prints when we pulled off our shoes! Well, I believed lies from you tube and used vinegar and water on my floors which caused dulling. Later I tried Bruce floor cleaner which was given to me by the same business I bought my flooring from. Big mistake! It didn't work! Products advertised on the internet and on store shelves don't work. These companies are out to get your money, but Thank God for leading me to the web and I found Lamanator Plus! This is the greatest blessing for all flooring. Where have you guys been? Please put it on TV everywhere so Wal-Mart can buy it! Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for your miracle product!"
Joyce T. from Bastrop, LA
"I absolutely adore this product!
My floors are 11 years old. I have had many different products on them in the past trying to remove the smears and streaks. I have used mops and scrubbed by hand to no avail. My household is not the "normal", we have hunters in and out several months of the year with muddy, grimy boots and to insult the injury to the floors, working German Shepherd Dogs. Your products have my floors looking better than on the day they were installed."
Cindy Z. from Suffolk, VA
"I'm amazed and ecstatic.
I bought my new laminate floor after waiting 21 years after I bought my house. I had the ugliest pine wood old floors so I was really looking forward to my new floors. About a week into them I notice marks and prints on the floor that did not come off. It also did not look like a new floor should. I didn't want to say anything because my husband would think I'm crazy but I really hated the floor. I cleaned it but marks or streaks would not come off. I looked on line and came up with this site and looked at all the testimonials. I found one person who was just like me and the new floor. That is what sold me. New floors and I wanted to cry.
I am now applying the pink floor cleaner from your line that is for the new floors and just as you said, there is like a crystalized film on the scratch pad that is like a film the new floor had. I was amazed. When I finish and it dries, it is amazing, no more marks. It does take time because you must work in sections but boy, what a difference. I know I will like my floors. After that, all I have to do is spray with the cleaner and damp mop. Thank you so much for your products. What I don't understand is why the floor place where I got them did not tell me. I'm surprised they don't carry your line because I would have bought it in an instant. I will be buying my products here from now on."
Maria V. from Ridgefield, NJ
"Looks like new!
Too bad I didn't know the manufacturers spray applied to new floors. Also though I noticed build up on the floor and dark spots I couldn't find anyone who could help me with a product to clean the floor. Finally I went to Pergo.com where I found Lamanator Plus. The section I have done looks like new."
Patricia D. from Portland, OR
"Thank you for creating this product!
I went online after going to many big hardware stores in search of a product that would NOT damage the laminate flooring. Everywhere I went online told landlords' horror stories about their laminate flooring being FURTHER damaged by the common floor cleaners on the market. I searched for a couple of weeks solid to find laminate cleaning agents, not looking for more beautiful floors but just something that would clean them safely.
I finally found Lamanator Plus (I think one person mentioned the name online) and bought the first-time kit, which included the mop and mop heads, initial cleaner, next step cleaner and finally the restorer. I guess I didn't pay attention when I bought the kit because I was pleasantly very happy and surprised to find an enclosed DVD containing instructions. I found a lady to help me clean my wrecked home before we could move back in, and she looked at the DVD at her house before coming over to help me with the flooring.
While I cleaned out cupboards and sanitized everything in sight, she focused on the floors. She got so excited about how the floors were turning out, just after the first 10 minutes of work, BEFORE the final steps, that she kept calling out to me, "You are gonna be SO HAPPY when you see the floors!" At the end of her work day, not only had she cleaned all the laminate flooring, but used it on my tile floors as well (she'd seen the DVD and read all the written instructions, which inform people that it's good for tile floors, too.) I think I was too distraught over my home's extreme damage to focus on written instructions!
Anyway, my laminate floors are now not only cleaned up and sanitized, they look FAR BETTER than they did before doggie/kiddie/Lord knows what else occurred! And a little goes a LONG WAY. She's been back to clean my floors since last summer when she first did them, and she was actually excited about using these products again in my home!
Also, I was so skeptical before buying Lamanator Plus products that I phoned the number provided on the website. I spoke to a wonderful man who was NOT giving me a hard sell. He was, however, VERY clear that these products were 100% guaranteed or my money back. I think I shelled out about $80 plus dollars, which at the time seemed rather high...but after my floors were totally rejuvenated and restored, tile AND laminate, I feel that the price is almost cheap compared to the other stuff out there.
Please believe me. I stand nothing to gain by giving this testimonial, except the gratification I get just knowing my testimony might help some other disheartened and dismayed landlord, homeowner or renter in search of THE perfect product.
Thank you, Lamantor Floor Care Solutions, for creating this product! Maybe I sound like a raging sycophant, but you have no idea of the peace of mind your products brought me after what seemed like a tidal wave of despair, loss of $$$ in restoration of our home and "giving this mess to God" over and over again! Enthusiastically and gratefully,"
Sheila G. Central - California Coast Resident
Three-CHEERS-for Lamanator Plus SYSTEM! Finally, a product system that really works!
"I thought I was going to be the Queen of Area rugs, forever! (we don't have to hide our floors anymore) Gone are the ghost tracks, little scratch marks from previous owners-three-dogs that always seemed to collect dust in them. My mother-in-law asked; who'd you hire to "refinish" your floors, they're gorgeous". If I had my way? This product would be in every grocery and hardware store! Three-Cheers-for-Lamnator Plus!"
Kathleen from Chino Valley, AZ (formerly known as Queen of Area rugs)
"I couldn't be happier with your product.
Bought a 10-year new townhouse that had a family living in it.....dirty wall-to-wall carpeting everywhere (including the stairs) except the bathrooms, entryway and kitchen (tile). I decided to have all the carpeting removed and had a flooring company install nice Gray Flannel Oak laminate throughout. Having a little dog, I wanted some kind of product that would protect the floors in case of doggie accidents and dog paw-nail scratches. I'm so glad I came upon your website. Although it is a two-step process to completely coat the floor with a brilliant shiny shell, I had the advantage of being able to do it while the townhouse was still empty before I moved all my furniture in.
I ordered your gallon-sized super kit with the pink, white and blue Lamanater solutions and 3 or 4 scrub sponges and cleaning attachments. I first scrubbed the whole house twice with the pink Fresh Start solution, before applying a double coat (allowing a couple hours drying time between applications) of the white Restorer. I had a little dog who was losing control of his bladder and was occasionally urinating on the floor. I would just clean it up with paper towels first and water spray, then use the blue Cleaner solution. It dried and looked like new each time. My floors shine like in a showroom display. I couldn't be happier with your product. I recommend it to everyone at work who has laminate floors. So glad I did my research before purchasing any of the other 'laminate' cleaning products."
Bill K. from Tampa, FL
I am thrilled to have found you!
"With 4 kids and a new house with over 1000 square feet of laminate floors, I was at my wits end trying to keep up with foot prints. Nothing I tried worked! I heard about this product on an online forum with others also struggling with footprints showing. I was very skeptical, as I had already tried SO MANY products. But I decided it was easier to try yet another product than to rip out my new floors. I am completely THRILLED with the results. There is a new shine to my floor and the footprints are GONE! Thank you! Thank you! A huge frustration of mine is gone. I'm going to post my results on Facebook for any of my friend who are struggling with the same situation. I feel like renting a big bill board for your product. So many people I've talked to are frustrated with their floors for reasons your product fixes. Everyone should know about it. Flooring companies should sell it! Great product! A big thank you from a very satisfied customer."
Emily W. from Central IL
I simply can't say enough good things about this product.
"Wow! Wonderful! Idiot-proof comes to mind. Case in point: I thought I had ruined my floor. Like most people, I wanted to get rid of the buildup of wax and dirt that had accumulated around my area rugs. Cleaning with the product recommended by my installer only contributed to the problem. So I decided to completely strip the floors. A good idea, but when it came to protecting them, I tried a clear coat protectant that was recommended by one of the big box stores; a faux finish supposedly made especially for laminate floors. That turned out to be a big mistake. Almost as soon as the finish hardened it began to break down. It showed dirt quickly and simple cleaning caused the floors to become streaked, cracked and scratched. Plus I was worried because water marks were showing. It was awful. LaminatorPlus solved the problem immediately. Easy to follow directions; a product that works as advertised. My laminate floors are crystal clear now with a hard, durable shine that they've never had, even when new. Plus the weekly floor cleaner provided with the kit keeps the floors looking great, with absolutely no residue buildup! The BEST PRODUCT I HAVE EVER HAD for my floors!"
Bill from Richland, WA
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
" I just can't thank you enough. I was so proud of my laminate floors after they were first installed. Then one day I noticed an oily haze and footprints. I mopped daily with the product recommended by the store where I purchased my floor. It just kept getting worse. I tried different products...NOTHING WORKED. I started researching on the internet and came across your website. I thought, why not; I tried everything else. OMG! No more oily haze and no more footprints. I love walking on my floor with bare feet and looking back and seeing no footprints. I am bringing the bottles to the floor store and suggest they recommend your product for their customers. I am so happy I found you!!!!"
Gail from Kenner, LA
Thank you so much for your product!
" I had moved into a brand new home but the floors always looked dull and lifeless. I complained to the company I bought my house from and they said there was nothing that could be done and they would not replace them. It seemed like they had missed a step at the factory, there didn’t seem to be any finish on them. After only one year of living in the home, with kids and 2 pets, the floors were horrible! I tried other products but they either did not work or they only lasted a day or two (after all that work!). I had resigned myself to having to pay the expense of having to put in all new floors! As a single Mom, that was a cost I really could not afford. And doing the job myself would not be easy either. Then I saw your product on the internet and thought I would give it one last try. Am I ever glad I did!! My floors look better than they did new! Friends and family cannot believe the difference. And best of all, it was so simple I could do it myself! You saved me so much money I cannot believe it! Thank you so very much! Not only has the shine lasted, it has stood up to children and pets! And it is so easy to clean now with the your cleaning product! Again, Thank you so very much! I have told everyone they need to use this!"
Laura C.
Your product is worth every cent!
"I have three dogs that scratched and dulled my laminate floor and nothing I did helped until I used your product. It's so nice when you take a chance on a product sight unseen and it pays off. It's been a few days now since I used Lamanator Plus and I am still admiring my "new floor". Thank you so much!"
Diane H.
"Just wanted to let you know that I used your product on my new laminate wood floor this week, and I was amazed by the results! First off when I was asking about laminate wood flooring, no one said that there was a protective coating on the laminate. I was so disappointed in the floor. I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned and it was still lack luster; however, I went on line for some advice and happened upon your website. It was an answer to my problem. I purchased your products on Friday and by Monday morning I had them and started cleaning my floor. I have a large space, so in my free time I am in the process of "restoring" my new floor and I am soooooo pleased. Thanks so much.....your have made me a happy homemaker!!"
Nancy from Kansas
Product works wonders on laminate flooring and was long overdue to be marketed.
"No other product does what yours does in getting the old wax, etc off the floor in prep for restoring. Made the mistake of not using a clean microfiber head for the second application 12 hours after 1st and paid the price with having to reclean areas and reapply restorer."
Raymond D. from Hendersonville, NC
Your product is absolutely AMAZING!!
"Thank you so much for saving my laminate floors! I was at my wits end trying everything and it made the floors look worse. I was about to give up. I can't tell you how happy I am to see a brilliant shine on my floors again. Actually, it's shinier than they ever were! I am also a contractor and will tell all my customers about this product. You have made my home a happy one. Thank you so much!"
Shawnee C. - Four Green Fields Contracting, PA
Your Product saved my floors
"I tried everything else, only yours worked! I will be a repeat customer. YOUR PRODUCT ROCKS!"
Dave from Alber, IL
I am so glad I found your product for my laminate floors!
"We have had the floors for 2 years and have always want them to have a nice shine. I have used your cleaning and restoration products and I am thrilled with the results. It is so easy to do and the end result is beautiful. It is so easy to keep up. I can not say enought and never thought the floors could look so good."
Jan from Delmar, NY
I just wanted to say THANK YOU!
"Your product is amazing !!!! My floors were as bad as yours online and all of it caused by orange glow. I just did my floors today and they look better than new . Your product is a life saver !!! We saved thousands of dollars thinking we would have to replace all of the floors when nothing else worked and just made it worse..Now all I have to do is get a buyer for home....Thank you Again."
Christina D. of Longwood, Florida
"I wanted to say that I was a bit skeptical of your product because I have bought and used so many different floor cleaners that has not lived up to their claim. I used your product today, I bought the whole system including the mop. Needless to say, I am pleased thus far. I have three dogs and a toddler running round, and my floors usually look pretty crappy even just after cleaing them. I usually see mine, baby's and dog foot prints within minutes of cleaning. There is still dog slobber marks, but that is to be expected when you have three large dogs slobbering all over the darn place. Anyway, I truly what I have seen so far with your product I am pleased and will continue to use it. I have laminate flooring throughout the formal living, dining, den, and hallway. I hope I continue to see results and stay satisfied. Thank you,"
Misty of Texas
"It has been 3 weeks now since I first cleaned my new laminate floor with your "Fresh Start" product. (I did not use the product that restores and refinishes because my floor is new and it does not scratch easily.) I am so happy that I finally found a cleaner that would get rid of the haze on my floor. I had tried numerous methods of cleaning the floor including recommendations from the salesman at the flooring store, the manufacturer of the laminate, and people who wrote suggestions on the Internet which I found when I was searching for help. None of the cleaning methods that any of them suggested worked.and the haze remained on the floor. I was so disheartened and wished that I had not had the laminate put in my house. It was a big investment so I knew that I was stuck with it. Before using your product, I was having to mop the floor every other day to get rid of footprints, water spots, etc. that accumulated on the floor so quickly. Now, I clean my floor once a week with "Floor Cleaner" and the floor looks great. What a difference your products have made in the care of my floor and in the way I feel about the it now. I am very pleased with my laminate floor because it is now a low maintenance floor covering. When I was looking for a floor cleaner, I asked people that I knew what they used to clean their laminate floors. No one mentioned your product and, as I mentioned, what they did suggest did not work. After I used the "Fresh Start" and saw how it worked so well on my floors, I have told others about it. I even carried a sample to the store where I bought the laminate. I want others who might be as disgusted as I was to know about your products. Have you considered advertising on TV so that more people will know about the Laminator Plus system? If you have one already, I have not seen it. If you do not have a commercial or infomercial, I really think one would be very beneficial to others having problem with the haze on their laminate flooring as well as to your company as more exposure of your products would bring about more sales. I am very grateful for having a cleaner that works. Thank you!"
Brenda C. of North Carolina
Laminate flooring better than new thanks!
"Just wanted to let you know that my husband and I are amazed at the results. The floors look better than when we first had them installed. The shine is beautiful. The products are very easy to use and the results are fantastic. No more streaking, its great!"
My floors are looking terrific!
"I don’t know if you guys do anything with this information, but it worked beautifully. My floors look terrific and there is absolutely no trace of the paint overspray. Thank you again."
Michelle E. of Austin, Texas
I wish I found you a year ago!
"I have spent hundreds of dollars on cleaners and differant mops for my floors but this is the first products that has ever worked I thought I was going to have to replace my floors but your kit has brought them back to life Thank You so much!"
Dorothy P. of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky
I just can't help singing the praises of your product!!
"We just had to let you know how fast, easy and wonderful this is!! If you notice on the before picture, there is a worn area caused by our kitchen chairs that had rollers on. We knew this table set was going to completely ruin our floor so we bought a new one, without rollers...but before we did, we knew we had to do something with the floor and surfing the net came across you. I was skeptical as we had tried other things before but nothing took out the worn area. What a wonderful surprise, we think, it looks better than it did brand new!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!"
Cheryl B.
"Like many homeowners, we installed prefinished wood floors into our home because we thought they'd be easy to maintian and we loved the shine. It didn't take long to see scratches were appearing and dirt was getting stuck between the cracks. I followed the installers cleaning advice which was to use vinegar and water. That didn't work. I tried commercial wood floor cleaners with no success. I even went as far as to use the dusting spray that I used on my furniture, which delivers a high shine. Applied to my floors, it made them slippery and dangerous. My floor was not holding up as I had expected it to. We considered replacing the floors all together and starting over. We invited flooring companies out for a bid and got sticker shock. I called a floor refinisher out and while the price was lower than replacing the floors, it was still high, and I didn't want the sanding problems either.
Finally, we heard about this product called LamanatorPlus. It's an easy 2 step process and doesn't require renting any expensive equipment for sanding or application. This is a restoration product designed specifically for laminate and prefinished hardwood flooring without sanding. The LamanatorPlus system also removes old waxes and grime. I had tried many other products and still could see footprints. It was so frustrating. We decided to give LamanatorPlus a try and here is what we found out. The LamanatorPlus system is designed to eliminate all of the problems I was having. The products were also completely biodegradable, easy to apply and extend the life and appearance of the floor with no footprints...You simply apply it with a mist sprayer, then spread evenly using a microfiber mop. The floor now has a shine and looks great! The product is guarateed not to streak or leave footprints and so far is proving true! THANK YOU LamanatorPlus for making our floors look new again!"
Celia L. from NY
"I had just about given up hope on my laminate flooringi and out of desperstion went online to see if anythingu could help. On a discussion, someone recommended laminator plus so i checked out the web site. It sounded too good to be true but being desperate i ordered it. Wow! It is amzing andt worth every penny. My floors look good for the first time since they were new. Mist as directed. A little goes along way.even though i precleaned as directed and the floor looked clean, i found that lplus picked up a thin coating of cat hair on the floor. The floor looks and feels clean and residue free."
RJ from Rochester, NY
Good gravy, a company that tells the truth!
"A company that presents its product honestly and fairly and does not mislead the consumer into buying some inferior piece of doo-doo. That's you I'm talking about.
We used your restoration kit on our laminate floored dining room yesterday. We have wheeled chairs and they made a mess of the floor, and Lumber Liquidators told us there is no way to restore it. I wrote their headquarters and got an email back that was so long I didn't even bother to try to read it. It was loaded with "home made" remedies. Perhaps you should initiate talks with them to carry your product. They sold us Bruce, which was little more than a cheap cleaner and, in fact, had more of a negative impact than positive.
Well, what I'm getting at is that my frugal wife choked on $90 to put on the floor, but she is praising it to the sky. She has already told our neighbor who also has laminate flooring.
The product went on as described and had a wonderful effect. Wonderful product, nice company. Accolades to you."
Gene from Palm Bay, FL
"Our laminate flooring looked just horrible! We had a large dog, so there were paw prints everywhere as well as foot prints. I tried all kinds of clearners and nothing worked - it only made things worse. I really thought I would have to have the floors replaced, well, until I found Laminator Plus! It pulled up all the old grime and restored my flooors to "better than new!" My husband couldn't get over how great they looked! They shine beautifully - better than we had them installed. We are thrilled with this product. We only wish we had known about it when we had the floors first installed - I would recommend using it on any new laminate flooring to protect it and keep it looking beautiful! Love this product!"
Lisa from Buford, GA
"I have 2 year old Bella prefinished hardwood floors. I have been veryfrustrated with the " printing" and have tried every product I could find to get rid of it. I discovered you product online and decided to give it a try. Wow!!! The printing and haze are gone leaving a beautiful shine!!! Thank you so much !!"
Sharon from NC
You saved my floor!
"I thought i was deep cleaning my laminate floor. It ended up that I took most of the laminate finish off without realizing what i did. After trips to several stores (Menards, Home Depot, etc) to ask what to do, I felt that the only solution was to cover it all up with rugs or replace it. They said that I ruined it and there was nothing that would restore the finish. I looked online and found your product. I ordered it and received it the next day - thank you for the free shipping! I put it on and the floor looks like new. Thank you a thousand times over! I love your product and recommend it to anyone who needs to restore the finish to their laminate flooring."
Janet from Waukesha, WI
"I just want you to know that this is the best product I have every had for my floors—and believe me I have used a lot . I love shiny clean floors but every other cleaner left a film and buildup. This is marvelous (even though I am sore from cleaning the floors to get off all the buildup) I have never been prouder to have guests over. I don’t think the floors looked this good five years ago when I had them laid. Thank you for such a great product."
Diana from Wichita, KS
"Recently ordered (and used) your 3 bottle kit and couldn't be happier. My floors look beautiful. Thank you for such a fine product. "
Joyce from Dix, NY
"When I ordered this product, I had serious doubts. These have been put to rest. My flooring looks as though it has been replaced. I can't thank Laminator enough. I do recommend it. It's simplicity of use is astounding!."
Nancy from East Jordan, MI
"I just put new laminate flooring in my home unfortunately I happen to use mop and glow on my floor what a mistake. It showed everything from foot prints to dust to spills hated it. I found your company on line and was impressed with all the good reviews, so I decided to try your product, I am totally impressed it has been a week since we did the whole process and the floor shows no signs of wear or dust. I live in a area that is nothing but dirt roads and cenders very dirty, everything you said about your product has been true I am very pleased. Thank you very much and I am sure to recommend this product to everyone I know."
Laura from Williams, AZ
"A few weeks ago I found your website while looking for something to clean my Formica laminate floors. For 14 years I have appreciated their durability with a hard working husband, 2 children, aging parents and numerous dogs. However, when they were installed I was instructed to use only white vinegar as a cleaning agent which I have done faithfully but have never been happy with the outcome. My floors looked good when they were new but over time they became dull and took on a look of being dirty even after cleaning with the white vinegar. It was embarrassing to have guests over, I felt obliged to explain that the floors were clean they just did not look like they were. So I began looking on the Formica laminate websites for something other than vinegar and was very skeptical about the claims being made regarding cleaners especially since I was warned about using other cleaners. That’s when I found a reference regarding Laminator Plus. I went to your website read all the info and did not see any reference to “Formica” laminate so I e-mailed you asking specifically if your product would clean formica. I was impressed you responded that same day and addressed my concerns completely. I ordered the “Floor Restorer Kit” and used it as directed (easy to follow) last weekend. I was amazed after the first step (Fresh Start) the dullness was gone and the marks which I came to know so well vanished without any real effort. Then I followed with the “Restorer” and I honestly fell in love with my floors all over again. Actually I think they look better than they did when they were first installed, they are so beautiful I can see reflections everywhere …it’s like my floors are reflection pools and I am once again proud of my home. I am a skeptic no more, your product does the job as advertised. Thank you, May God Bless you and your “small business” enterprise."
Cathy from Sequim, Washington
I found your web site as I had just purchased Vinyl Plank Flooring, I had it installed and within 1 week IT LOOKED AWEFUL, Smugged, streaky, dull, foot prints all over it.
"THANK God I had Already purchased Your Laminator Plus Deep Scrub, Flooring Restorer, Buff Dry Cleaner. I decided to use My " FRESH START " KIT, Directions were AWESOME, PRODUCTS WERE WAY Beyond what I expected, Easy to use, no ODOR during application, and within a few days time I had TRANSFORMED my New Kitchen Floor, as stated It looked better then when the floor was installed, It looked deeper in color and we can actually see the grain & Pattern of the floor & with 2 coats IT IS SHINY and BEAUTIFUL... " My husband said : IT LOOKS LIKE A REAL WOOD FLOOR !... WOW AMAZING ! Thank you , THANK You, THANK YOU. He suggested I apply Your products to a 1 foot strip of left over plank, I did and we are going to show our Flooring Design Store owner the difference Your LAMINATOR PLUS Products made to our new flooring... AMAZING PRODUCTS Awesome Customer Service from Joe England... Thank YOU ALL SO MUCH.........NOW we LOVE our floor !!!!!"
Donna Marie from Poudre Canyon , Colorado
WOW!! I am thoroughly amazed at how well your restoration package works.
"We were ready to spend thousands to replace our 10 year old laminate floor when I saw your web site. I restored about 1000 sq ft of laminate and it actually looks better than new. A simple weekly damp microfiber mop with a spray of the cleaner is all you need to maintain that wonderful like new shine. I am extremely pleased and highly recommend this product."
Darin from Moorhead, MN
"I bought your product in October and have not had a chance to use it until now. Our laminate floors are relatively new, but the shine was gone in several places and they looked horrible! There were scratches everywhere from steel wool pads and my children had rolled their backpack wheels all over them. I didn't have much hope for a "fix" and thought new flooring was my only option. As a last ditch effort, I used your product and I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! The floor looks absolutely beautiful and after tonight, I won't be embarrassed to have people over. Thank you SO much for this wonderful product! I'm a customer for life!"
Valliere from Snellville, GA
"Good Day, I wanted to thank your company for the amazing product you provided. Our floor was damaged from a jute rug we had in the living room. Estimates to repair it ranged from 1,000 - 3,500 USD. I ran across your product online. We were skeptical but with your money back guarantee we thought we would give it a shot. We followed your instructions and the area we used Laminator Plus look better than the floors that were not damaged. When you said the floors would look better than the first day we bought it, you were not kidding."
Dr Skip Hart, M.S., D.M.P.(P.) from Garland, TX
Thank you for such a great product!
"My husband and I bought a not-so-old, but very poorly maintained home and are painstakingly making it habitable. The laminate flooring was absolutely filthy and I initially went the popular vinegar and microfiber mop route to try to clean it with marginal results. I found your product by accident on the web and bought the set and used it for the first time on Saturday. I am thrilled with the results. The instructions were easy to follow (I did just a small section at a time) and left the cleaner on the floor longer than 4 minutes because I was sure it was far dirtier than I expected it to be. I could not get over how much dirt I got up on what I thought was a relatively clean floor. I must have rinsed each small section ten times, but it was worth the effort because my floors look brand new. We have painted and re-carpeted the entire home and now with such beautiful laminate floors, it finally feels like home."
Kay W. from Sun City, AZ
"I was extremely hesitant to use this product after using so many others that claimed to do the job but only made the situation worse. After months of being on the fence i purchased lamanator plus and figured what the heck my floor can't look any worse than it does. I followed the directions and after all was done could not believe my floor looks bettter than when they put it down twelve years ago. I cannot tell you what a wonderful product you have and it should be in every shelf in every store. I thank you for saving me the cost of getting a new floor or covering my present floor with some kind of carpet. It is truly a wonderful product."
Louise C. from Marlton, NJ
Your product is fabulous!
"Unknowingly, I had used the Quick shine, many times, on our engineered wood flooring. It was horrible, I couldn't get it off with steam or any kind of wood floor cleaners, it got patchy, and it attracted everything, and looked awful. When I saw your add while searching for solutions, we decided to take the chance. After reading the reviews, we ordered, and received the two kits within a couple days. With a bit of elbow grease to get the caked on QS off, the floor was cleared of everything. We applied two coats, and the floor is like glass, it leaves no foot prints, no dull spots, just a gorgeous floor! With two little dogs running in and out, frequent friend visits, and four people living in our home, I'm amazed at how wonderful our floors look day after day with just a quick dry mopping, or vacuuming. You saved us a lot of money! Your product is wonderful, this floor looks better than it did newly installed. Thank you. "
Dianne from Myrtle Beach, SC
I am so grateful for this product.
"I was ready to get rid of these laminate floors . I was so disappointed but I found your product online. I took a chance and I am so happy my floors look great. Thanks to your product my floors look like I was hoping for. They did not look this good brand new I was disappointed when I came home from work after installation and they looked so dull. I wished I could get my money back. Thank you so much I am your permanent customer. "
Mary S. from Philadelphia, PA
I love, love, love your product. Had dark brown laminate wood floors installed two months ago. They weren't constantly covered in a dusty film of some type. Used your Fresh Start and Restoration product...Oh my gosh, they look gorgeous! Thanks "
Jane G. from Bella Vista, AK
"My wife found your product on the internet and we ordered it based on your reviews. The product worked exactly as advertised. Our 4 year old Pergo floor was looking pretty dull after she used the cleaning products recommended by various manufacturer/owners online. It was dull and had a very large build up of dirt and grime from various cleaners. She applied your system and it looks like it was just installed. Fantastic product!! I would recommend your system to everyone. Well worth the money!!"
Ken M. from Bethlehem, PA
"I am totally amazed at what your product does. I did not know how much damage I had done to my floors in the two short years we have lived in our new home. I just today had to order a gallon jug to complete the refurbishing of my floors. That in itself should tell you how hard we have tried over the last two years to make our floors shine and look like they did when they were new. The sections that I've completed look better than brand new. Once again your product is amazing. I only wish that more people knew about it before they ever touched their brand-new floors."
Richard K. from Tyler, TX
"Had to let you know our floors look better then when they were laid down. Beautiful shine we have just ordered for the third time and will continue to order. Thanks for a great product. We have had many compliments since we did the floors with your products."
Kirk P. from The Villages, FL
"Hello! I contacted you a few weeks ago inquiring about the "smelliness" of your product. You answered me that it has a slight smell that dissipates quickly. I have used this on most of my floors now, (I have a large house) and am SO happy with the results. I could not detect a smell and my floors look amazing. Thank you so much! I have been recommending it to all my friends, too. Many Thanks"
Merry S. from Woodland, CA
"This is a great product and we highly recommend it to our freinds."
Richard P. from Sumas, WA
"I am getting my home in shape for the holidays which required attention to my floors. I tried several products that promised to return my 3 y/o laminate floors to their original condition. I even purchased products from a store that specialized in wood and laminate floors but they all failed to do what they promised. Then I found LaminatorPlus viewed the online video and purchased the product.Now my floors look so good And the shine is fantastic. I think they look and shine better than they did when originally installed. I have already ordered more product. Thank you LaminatePlus."
Debra B. from Cypress, IA
"Bless you and this product!! I can't tell you how many floor cleaning products I tried. I was mopping my floor every 3-4 days and thought all the "hype" about laminate floors was false! Then decided to give you product a try. WOW is all I can say. I am now a believer in these types of floors and the minimum maintenance they are supposed to be. Thank you!!"
Diane S. from Columbus, NE
I have tried numerous floor care products and wasted my time and money. Finally, I have found a product that produces real results. You have a customer for as long as I have my home."
William B. from Canton, MI
"The first order I placed and received did not include the Initial cleaner (MY FAULT). I still used it and it looks awesome. I am ordering the total kit so I can do the rest of the floor right, including my ceramic tile. So far it looks good. I have friends that are anxious to try it but I told them to wait about a month to see a true result on my floor. Thank you!"
Fran P. from Macomb, MI
"We use our floor to teach dance lessons. Over the years, various products/reasons had gotten the floor to where it was sticky and we were considering ripping it our and replacing it. Your products saved us! Not only did it give a nice shine, it restored the finish so we can dance on it again. We're very happy!"
Lee S. from Arcata, CA
Thank You for your product!
"I had emailed you a few weeks ago about my problem with footprints on my new laminate floor. My floors look better now than the day we had them installed. NO MORE FOOTPRINTS and the shine is incredible. Your product is amazing. Thank you again, a new loyal customer."
Kay H.
"Thought long an hard before spending that much money on the internet....but oh, so happy, that I did. My floors look great now...and I was cleaning them at least twice a day with my 2 little dogs....They no longer have that horrible haze, or do not track footprints or pawprints....I am a SENIOR, SENIOR CITITZEN and was afraid it would be too much for me ..... but ....to my surprise, I just took my time and it was well worth the effort....Thanks again."
Bette F. from Tomball, TX
Thank you so much
"I read reviews before buying this product, and I'm happy to say they were all right. This product really does make the floor look better than it did when it was when it was first installed. Before the floor looked dull and dirty, I was so disappointed in the finished floor, and that's why I started looking for something to help it look better, and I found you on line and decided to give your products a try. I am very happy to say that I am extremely pleased, these products have performed just as you promised they would. "
Sam B. from Longview, TX
Lamanator Plus (GOD SENT)
"First of all, I purchased my new floor about 2 weeks ago. It was just installed last week. Well, in the box it looked great! New, unopened. I was soo excited to get my new flooring installed. As my contractor began installing it and was finally finished, I honestly can say I HATED IT! It looked sooo ugly! How could this be? It was new, unused, it's not suppose to look dull and scratched up. I immediately headed down to the store where it was purchased, and was told to use this floor cleaner ( I cannot recall the name as I threw it in the trash) Well what a waste of money that was! That did not work. The same day I headed to HomeDepot and bought Bona (I think that's what it's called) HA! What a joke! That stuff was just as bad as the first. I took that back and got my money back. I then searched and searched the net to finally come across "Lamanator-plus" OMG at this point I was desperate to try it, so I placed an order! I used it last night and let me tell you-it's the best that you will EVER EVER use at this time in age! Seriously, this stuff is like MAGIC. I will never use anything else on my floors as long as this product exists! As a matter of fact, I just ordered more so that I can have it on hand! ORDER, ORDER, ORDER! you will not be disappointed!"
GT from California
I used the complete kit and my floors are fantastic!
"They look like new. I am dedicated to only use this product in the future and I have told all my friends how great this product is. I just told a professional house cleaner of this product. Thanks for your product."
Darlene M. from Apache Junction, AZ
I love this product I have told everyone about it and have shared my cleaner to show them it really works!! Several of my friends have bought this cleaner now I have shared mine so much I had to reorder!!!"
Marilyn M. From Porter Colville, WA
"My floors look like new again!
The Pergo floors in our home are approximately 12 years old now. They looked dull and worn. Although I kept the floors swept, vacuumned and clean, they had lost their shine. That is when I looked for a product to restore them. Laminate Plus is the answer."
Karen K. from Meridian, ID
I was ready to replace our 11 year old laminate floor because no matter what I tried for cleaning ( many recommend by floor sales reps) just made the floor dull. My husband found this product online. After reading the reviews, we decided to order the starter kit. The product arrived in 3 days and I immediately sectioned off floor and completed the process. Results: FANTASTIC ! I have since ordered a gallon of each stage process. I was pleased from placing order to prompt arrival to great product! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Penny P. from Hudson, WI
I was so disappointed that I had a laminate floor installed untill I found Lamanator Plus..It has saved my mind. My floor lokked and felt horrible. I was a hard job it get all that junk off the floor but since then I would not use anything else. My niece was selling her home and I told her about it and it bought her floors back to beautiful"
Patricia Z. from Whiting, NJ
"I am so pleased with my floors.
There was an oily finish that I could not clean off; until laminator plus. My floors are now spotless, shiny & beautiful. It was refreshing to find a product that not only met my expectations, but exceeded them. Do you advertise? I found you online , but could not find any place that sold it. I am amazed how beautiful my laminate floors look in comparison to the rooms that have natural oak hardwood flooring. Thanks for making me happy when I look at the difference in my floors and I will continue to use the flooring cleaner to keep them beautiful!"
Danna B. from Spruce Pine, NC
"Lamanator Plus products do the job beautifully.
I wish I were getting paid for this product and its company product, but I'm NOT getting paid to RAVE about Lamanator Plus. I got the first-time kit which included EVERYTHING, including a DVD to see how to use it on my laminate floors, which tenants damaged terribly. There is NO other product that I researched about that is SAFE for laminate floors. Don't believe salespeople in Home Depot, etc., who say otherwise. They've never heard of Lamanator Plus most of the time.This is fantastic! My damaged floors now look better than when they were brand-new!! There are 3 steps (the very first time you do your laminate floors...tile floors can be cleaned by this product as well.) I hired a cleaning lady to help me with restoring my home back to 'normal', and she watched the DVD provided. It was REALLY easy for her to understand, and the work itself was a breeze.I can now maintain my floors with a cleaner and the Restorer if I want to shine things up. If you are totally disheartened by damage to your laminate floors (which are easily scratched/turned milky/stained), you truly CAN trust Lamanator Plus products to do the job beautifully.I am SO glad I Googled myself to death in pursuit of a product that would safely renew my floors. My cleaning lady read more instructions and went ahead and cleaned my tile floors, using the Restorer fluid to bring a new sheen to them...I'll NEVER buy any other flooring cleaners but Lamantor Plus again.When I was first considering using the products, I called one of their reps, and he was WONDERFUL. I knew for sure that I was dealing with a responsible and money-back-guarantee-type company after talking with him. I can't endorse it enough, all the way around!"
Sheila G. from Lompoc, CA
We use laminator plus in our floor care business for all different types of flooring. Always gives us consistently good results and allows us to spruce up many laminate and specialty flooring our competitors wont touch."
Jon Coret - Juniors ProClean
"I just LOVE this product
I have tried every product in the market for many years. This is by far the BESt. I just love the way it cleans and the end result of using it. I tell everyone I know how great this product is. I wish I had bought it a long time ago."
Lousie Y. From Porter Corners, NY
"Great product!
We purchased the Complete Home Kit after researching different products claiming to restore the shine on laminate floors. We decided to give Lamanator Plus a try and boy, are we glad we did! Product arrived in 2 days, and has proven to be better than advertised. Our laminate floors are 6-8 years old and ,after applying the Floor Restorer, look better than they did when they were new. Easy process and great results!"
Steve S. from Chesnee, SC
"Laminator Plus did the job!
It made a huge improvement in the looks of an otherwise wood laminate floor that had been mistreated over the years. Did so good ordering a second bottle. "
Rodger S. from Temecula, CA
"My floors still look great
My house is over 20 years old with the original vinyl flooring. It's a black marble pattern, which I really liked, but it was dull dull dull. I tried everything to get it to shine but nothing worked. It would be back to dull dull dull in just days. Then I tried Lamanator Plus! It was a bit of work initially - getting the years of product build-up off - but still I was able to do it all myself and I'm in my 60's. It's been over two years now. I've used nothing to clean them other than the Lamanator Plus Flooring Cleaner just as instructed. My floors still look great. I will admit, they're not quite as shiny as they were the first year, so it's time to redo them. But I just couldn't be happier with a product. This product is everything it claims to be."
Betty Sue L. from Alexandria, MN
"I was excited to received my products, and opened up my package right away. I put the DVD in my laptop, and ...it did NOT play. So I looked over the directions, and noticed that the package did NOT include two nozzels that that package said it included. I was not deterred. I began using the cleaner with the micro mop, and did not let the solution set long enough.It was trial and error, but, my kitchen floor has a natural shine now. I did call Customer Service on a Friday at around 4pm, for answers, and I received no answer even though the business hours are from 8 to 5 Eastern time (and I am Pacific time). Although, I had to learn how to use the products on my own, and customer service was not available to me, the products ARE INCREDIBLE! I just RECOMMEND that before the products are shipped, that they are COMPLETE. I had to use a spray nozzle from my Window Cleaner...but ULTIMATELY, I am pleased with the products. Not so much Customer Service, but I have not found anything else that works, and will be ordering again... Thank you..."
Deb Lang - Stockton, CA
"My floors are amazing!!!
The staff is so helpful and courteous. this product is easy to use and the results are more than I had hoped for. I only use this product on my floors. I have 5 dogs and my floors really take a beating but a spray with the cleaner and a micro fiber mop and the floors glisten. I recommend this product to everyone. Love, love, love it!!!!"
Diane H. from North Hollywood, CA
"Amazing Product - I am so glad it is green and safe for my family.
We used your amazing product and we are so happy with the results on our new floors. My family was so surprised at the difference it has made. My dog still tracks when she comes in the house, but I can easily get it clean now. I will tell everybody I see that has a laminate floor about your wonderful products. Thank you for taking the time to invent them! What a difference it has made. We were ready to tear it all up (a $3000 mistake) before we found your products. Thanks so much!"
Beverly Scott
"Sure glad I found your product!
Got my laminator cleaner and restore and finally got around to using it. We had just put in new wood laminate flooring in and my kitchen area was being remodeled. All the dust from she drywall to shaving down wood had gotten on our new floor. .The floor had been somewhat covered but the dust found its way anyway. I vacuumed and moped so many times and couldn't get the floor clean. Saw your product and bought it and my floors now look better than new. Your product saved me money and time."
Jean S. from Sun City, AZ
I have used LamanatorPlus for more years than I can remember. This is the greatest product I have ever found for my laminate floors. It cleans any residue and sprays and then shines them like new and I use the buff dry to keep them clean from everyday use. You cannot go wrong with this product. And their customer service is A+, second to none. I love, love, love this company. Thank you for such great products."
June R. from Grottoes, VA
"My floor is restored to absolute beauty!
I just used your products on my Brazilian Cherry laminate floor that I thought for sure I had ruined because I used Once n Done on it. That created a waxy mess that just continued to smear and could not be removed with anything! Well, I was a skeptic when I bought your kit but I used it today and I am almost giddy with happiness! My floor is restored to absolute beauty! It took some elbow grease but the results are just flat out amazing! I will only use your cleaner on these floors from now on. Anyone that has an issue with their laminate floor will be so pleased and thankful to use your products. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart!"
Beth M. from Ohmaha, NE
"I highly recommend this product!!
My pergo floor is 25 years old, I used the Pergo cleaner for years , Bona and rejuvenate and vinegar and water, in last year it became ugly with a film over it and my dogs tracked it and looked horrible, I tried everything. I am now just admiring my floor after using your product, it is once again looking clean and beautiful, thank you so much for saving us the expense and labor of new flooring."
Jean H. from Saratoga, WY
"Look brand new!
We have had our laminate flooring for 20 years. I tried everything. They were cloudy and showed every footprint and dog paw print. I gave up. We recently pulled up our carpet in our living room and bedroom. Put laminate down. That even made our 20 year old floors look worse. I started googling. Found this product. Read it over and over again. Read reviews. Decided to try it. I now love my floors again. Very easy to use. Just follow directions. I purchased the deep clean, only had to do it once."
Melanie P. from Marion, SC
" I am beyond impressed!
We built our house in 2018. We picked out very dark/thick laminate floors. Honestly, they have been a nightmare keeping clean. My wife has tried several different cleaners/waxes, etc and is a constant battle keeping prints and glare off while keeping any sort of shine. About 6 months ago, we got a puppy and I have been noticing light scratches throughout the floor. I am an extreme type A and it was driving me nuts. I really wanted to find a product that would add some added clear coat protection above the actual flooring. I came across this product via web search and have kept my eye on it for about a year. I finally got the urge and ordered the complete floor restorer kit. Even when it came, I was still a bit nervous, as our flooring really wasn’t that old. After about 3 months after receiving it, I emptied out our linen closet and did a sample run in there. I was impressed so decided to tackle the entire floor that coming weekend. I got to say, I am beyond impressed. It literally brought had the floors better than new. The top coat wears well and is much more forgiving with normal wear than the original. I wish I would of done this months ago. No stains or scratches remained after completing the restorer project. Thanks so much for a great product."
Brad S. from Bethalto, IL
"2nd purchase!
I loved my new home, but soon came to NOT love my LVP flooring. My little Havanese, precious grandchildren, & visitors easily, quickly made prints immediately. I tried several cleaners, then googled & found LAMINATORPLUS. I bought the kit. Deep cleaned, used restorer & wow!!! I have clean shiny floors, prints from walking are gone & the cleaner is perfect for my weekly maintenance! My daughter quickly saw the difference & I immediately ordered kit for her LVP! Can't wait to see her beautiful floors & see how much she loves the difference! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!"
Lois S. from Smithfield, NC
"Its amazing the dirt and old cleaner residue this product lifts off!
I recently purchased the entire kit and used it for the first time. The restorer has our old laminate shining like new. Very satisfied."
Scott C. from Blue Grass, IA
"Now my 23 year old floor looks like brand new.
My kitchen floor is laminated tile and no mater what I used it looked dull and streaked. I checked the internet for mops or cleaners and discovered your website. I purchased the full kit. After applying the extreme clean, I could not believe how much dirt and grime came off. The restore made the floor shine like new. I totally love your project. The mop and video that came with the kit are awesome too."
Joan B. from Toledo, OH
Shop Now
Complete Home Kit
Regular price From $77.99 USDRegular priceUnit price per$89.99 USDSale price From $77.99 USDSale -
Value Pack Kit
Regular price From $98.99 USDRegular priceUnit price per$109.99 USDSale price From $98.99 USDSale -
Complete Gallon Kit
Regular price From $209.99 USDRegular priceUnit price per$229.99 USDSale price From $209.99 USDSale -
Restoration Kit
Regular price From $62.99 USDRegular priceUnit price per$75.99 USDSale price From $62.99 USDSale